Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Essay -- Literary Analysi
The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Bram Stoker was the creator of the overall popular novel, Dracula (1897). He was conceived on November 8, 1847 in Dublin, Ireland. His complete name was Abraham, yet was called Bram for short. Dissimilar to today’s families, he grew up living with seven kin. At the point when he was youthful, he was an enfeebled kid laid up for his initial 8 years. His dad, Abraham Stoker (1799-1876), was a government employee †somebody who works for the administration †and his mom was Charlotte Mathilda Blake Thornley (1818-1901). He wedded entertainer Florence Baleombe (1858-1937) in 1878. Stoker and Florence had one child named Irving Noel Thornley Stoker (1879-1961). (Merriman, 1) Despite the fact that Stoker was a pallid youngster, he in the end recuperated and had the option to go to Trinity College to contemplate an assortment of subjects. He considered arithmetic, took an interest in sports, and was assigned a spot on the school committee as leader of the Philosophical Society. He graduated with distinction in 1870. (Merriman, 1) Because of his father’s occupation, Bram Stoker himself turned into a government worker while checking on sensational theater. Stoker quit being a government employee to seek after his profession as an author through the gathering of Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905), an entertainer for William Shakespeare’s plays and director of the Lyceum Theater in London. With Sir Henry Irving, being one of Stoker’s solid companions, he extended to him the employment opportunity of turning out to be co-director of Lyceum Theater in London, where he kept on diving into the composing scene. (Weinfeld, 365) From there on, he composed numerous books, one of which he made the showstopper Dracula (1897). Dracula Stoker’s first duplicate of Dracula (1897) was distributed in the year 1887, beginning the pattern of vampires. It experienced numero... ...tinue to live on right up 'til the present time. He put together Count Dracula with respect to two chronicled individuals †Vlad Tepes and Elisabeth Bathory. Utilizing for the most part these two characters, Stoker made a book on which it would be the author of vampire books. Without the presence of Bram Stoker, vampires probably won't have been as well known as they are today. For example, in today’s world, vampire books, for example, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and Vampire Academy have gotten world well known through vampirism. Films have even been founded on Dracula (1897), also near the first, utilizing enhancements on the most proficient method to slaughter a vampire. Without the distribution of Dracula (1897), there would not have been dull, bloody, or malice stories to set off the advances utilizing another embodiment of composing. With Stoker’s extraordinary psyche and capacity to make Dracula (1897), it changed the idea of numerous essayists all through the world. The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Essay - Literary Analysi The Creator Who Started the Trend of Vampire Bram Stoker was the creator of the overall well known novel, Dracula (1897). He was conceived on November 8, 1847 in Dublin, Ireland. His complete name was Abraham, however was called Bram for short. Dissimilar to today’s families, he grew up living with seven kin. At the point when he was youthful, he was an enfeebled youngster confined to bed for his initial 8 years. His dad, Abraham Stoker (1799-1876), was a government employee †somebody who works for the administration †and his mom was Charlotte Mathilda Blake Thornley (1818-1901). He wedded entertainer Florence Baleombe (1858-1937) in 1878. Stoker and Florence had one child named Irving Noel Thornley Stoker (1879-1961). (Merriman, 1) Despite the fact that Stoker was a colorless kid, he in the end recouped and had the option to go to Trinity College to examine an assortment of subjects. He considered arithmetic, took part in sports, and was assigned a spot on the school board as leader of the Philosophical Society. He graduated with distinction in 1870. (Merriman, 1) Because of his father’s occupation, Bram Stoker himself turned into a government worker while looking into emotional theater. Stoker quit being a government employee to seek after his profession as an author through the gathering of Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905), an on-screen character for William Shakespeare’s plays and director of the Lyceum Theater in London. With Sir Henry Irving, being one of Stoker’s dependable companions, he extended to him the employment opportunity of turning out to be co-director of Lyceum Theater in London, where he kept on digging into the composing scene. (Weinfeld, 365) From there on, he composed numerous books, one of which he made the gem Dracula (1897). Dracula Stoker’s first duplicate of Dracula (1897) was distributed in the year 1887, beginning the pattern of vampires. It experienced numero... ...tinue to live on right up 'til the present time. He put together Count Dracula with respect to two chronicled individuals †Vlad Tepes and Elisabeth Bathory. Utilizing for the most part these two characters, Stoker made a book on which it would be the organizer of vampire books. Without the presence of Bram Stoker, vampires probably won't have been as well known as they are today. For example, in today’s world, vampire books, for example, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and Vampire Academy have gotten world acclaimed through vampirism. Motion pictures have even been founded on Dracula (1897), comparatively near the first, utilizing enhancements on the best way to murder a vampire. Without the distribution of Dracula (1897), there would not have been dull, bloody, or abhorrence stories to set off the advances utilizing another substance of composing. With Stoker’s incredible psyche and capacity to make Dracula (1897), it changed the idea of numerous journalists all through the world.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Finding an Affordable Essay Writing Service
Finding an Affordable Essay Writing ServiceFinding an affordable essay writing service is easier than ever. Writing a student essay for college or school can be more expensive than many think, so it's important to have the right essay and format.The best way to get the most bang for your buck is to hire a company that has been in the business for a while. They have the know-how and resources to get your essay finished on time and turn it in at a high enough grade to pass. Of course, quality services also have a track record of getting students into top schools.You can compare prices from multiple writing services easily on the Internet, by shopping around and visiting different companies. Look for a list of requirements on their websites. Some services allow their clients to customize a document, whereas others require a more static document.After you choose a writing service that meets your needs, you can begin to negotiate the best possible affordable price. Ask about cost per word , or word count. It is always worth asking about these charges, since not all companies do the same thing.Word count is the number of words per sheet; higher numbers mean more work. Higher prices are usually associated with this type of service, which makes sense because it's more work to create larger documents.Another important part of finding an affordable essay writing service is actually knowing what type of writing you want. Different types of writing have different prices, and it's important to find a company that offers the type of writing you want to do. Some examples include research papers, thesis writing, essays, dissertations, tests, research papers, etc.You should also ask about the quality of the writing they do. Highquality writers will generally charge more, as they are better at creating high quality writing. So find out if they have a list of examples of their writing to show you.Getting an affordable essay writing service is easier than ever, and can help you get your essay completed on time. When you find the right one, you can get the best education and personal essay out there.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Global Warming and Its Effects - 1352 Words
GLOBAL WARMING AND ITS EFFECTS Global Warming effects on the natural balance of environment. The world climate is going a significant change day by day. There are many causes of Global Warming. The destruction and burning down of tropical forests , traffic clogging up the city streets , rapid growth of unplanned industries, the use of CFCs in packaging and manufacturing products, the use of detergents etc. cause Global Warming. Besides, overpopulation, deforestation are the causative factors of Global Warming. The setting up of mills and factories in an unplanned way has a great effect on environment. These mills and factories produce black smoke which gets mixed with air and increases the amount of CO2. Burning of Gas such as†¦show more content†¦Scientists have warned in their reports that most of the glaciers will disappear within a period of 15 to 25 years. It will create problems of drinking water and food grains in most of the North American countries. India is not unaffected from it. The Himalayan glaciers have shrunk about 30 per cent after 1970. The rise in sea levels is a major cause of concern. A large number of cities located in coastal areas will submerge in the sea. Besides, many island countries will ultimately â€Å"lose their existence and will be washed away from the surface of the earth. The damage of rising sea levels is diverse. Buildings and roads close to the water could be flooded and they could suffer damage from hurricanes and tropical storms. Experts believe that global warming could increase the intensity of hurricanes by over 50 per cent. In addition, as the sea rises, beach erosion takes place, particularly on steep banks. Wetlands are lost as the level rises. Rise in atmospheric temperature will lead to the outbreak of air ¬borne and water-borne diseases. It would also contribute to the rise in death caused by heat. The problem of drought would be frequent. Consequently, malnutrition and starvation will pose serious challenge before humanity. Global warming is a great threat to the flora and fauna of the earth. A large number of species of them may become extinct. The expanse of desert would increase. Low rainfall and rising temperature could add to theShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Its Effects985 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Science Professor Mahoney 11/11/14 Global Warming Over the last few decades global warming has become one of the biggest environmental issues of all times. Every year, global warming gets worse and it’s affecting the way people live, it is affecting the atmosphere in general, and other living organisms in our planet. Global warming is the gradual and increasing rise of the overall temperature of the Earth caused by the greenhouse effect due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide andRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects Essay1040 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal warming is directly causing the rise in temperature of the Earth. The melting of the polar ice caps causes some of the most pressing issues including the endangerment of species indigenous to this region and the rise of ocean levels. Global Warming Global warming is the steady rise of temperature of the Earth’s surface. What exactly causes global warming? Numerous sources fuel global warming, such as deforestation, permafrost, and even sunspots. Obviously, many factors contribute to thisRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1331 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal Warming Global warming is the causation of the Glaciers melting, sea levels rising, cloud forests drying, and wildlife struggles today. Humans are making this possible because of their release of heat-trapping gasses known as greenhouse gasses by their modern devices. Global warming is the abnormal speedy increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature. It is believed that this is due to the greenhouse gasses that people release into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.The greenhouseRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects976 Words  | 4 PagesAs global warming, we understand that is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It has been an immense concerning all over the world for the past decades since the current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms of climate that humans, animals and plants rely on. Scientists have studied the natural cycles and events that are known to influence the change in climate to discover what i s originating the current global warming. However, the amount and pattern ofRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1571 Words  | 7 PagesAs global issues today become increasingly controversial, many people are inclined to believe that Global Warming is an issue that can take a backseat to more significant issues that plague today’s society. The information presented throughout my research in regards to the rising sea levels and the melting of glaciers and ice shelves, highly indicates that it cannot. What many Americans fail to realize is that if sea levels continue to rise due to Global Warming, then more than half of LouisianaRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1544 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal warming is one of the vigorously discussed topic on Earth today. According to a TechMedia Network, â€Å"Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to b e permanently changing the Earth’s climate.†(â€Å"Global Warming †¦ Effects†). We have been witnessing the change in Earth’s climate since past few years, and we are well aware of the consequences of climate change as well. Global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1432 Words  | 6 Pageshas an effect on climate change and contributes to global warming. Yet people tend to turn a blind eye to global warming and label it as a myth, whether they do not believe in it or it is not in their best financial interest to believe in it. Let us take a closer look at global warming and the effects it has on our people, homes and environments. Global Warming has become a rising problem in our world’s climate. It’s time we show the initiative to understand the concept of global warming and showRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects928 Words  | 4 PagesGlobal-Warming Mother Earth is burning as we speak; humanity has killed our precious Earth. Global-warming is a vicious killer that was created by the humans on this Earth, and there s no way to cure it. We, as humans, have the power to cleanse the Earth, but instead we destroy it. Heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas absorb thermal radiation emitted by the Earth s surface. As the sun s energy reaches the Earth’s surface some of it goes back out into spaceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1416 Words  | 6 Pages Global Warming The earth is getting warmer, animals and their habitats are declining, human health is at risk and the cause of all this terror is Global Warming. Global warming will cause many parts of the world to change. In the next 50 years climate change could be the cause of more than a million terrestrial species becoming extinct. Sea levels will raise which means more flooding and is not good for the plants. With too much water the plants will die and herbivores will lose theirRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1312 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal warming is presenting a lot of environmental and health problems to many countries. A lot of heat gets trapped on earth due to formation of a non-porous layer gases below the atmosphere. The worst effect is felt by developing countries, which are also geographically disadvantaged. The establishment of such countries is on low altitude areas. This position makes developing countries to be direct victims of floods from the melting snow at high altit ude areas. A lot of scientific research associates
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Effects Of Divorce On Children And Teens - 1402 Words
Divorce is one of the most common happenings in the world experienced by children. Most children go through different adjustments to become comfortable with the fact that their parents are not together anymore. Children of divorced parents are prone to lifelong effects. Seventy-five to eighty percent of children have divorced parents and twenty-five percent of those children have serious social, emotional, or psychological problems for the rest of their life. Most adults think that it is best for parents to stay together for the sake of their child because having two parents in different households can become difficult for the child socially and academically. Parents value obedience as a favor when the child’s actions conflict with the parents rights. Different parents have all sorts of rules for their child in different households. It becomes difficult for the child during a divorce because now they are needed to go by different rules in different households. Studies show that if the child is out with the wrong parent they will most likely do drugs or bad in school. Children and teens start to make bad decisions when they re going through their parents divorce. The child needs discipline, The child tends to more likely do better if the parents has rules in their household. The younger they are, the less they achieve academically. Parenting has a huge impact on the child’s whole life. The way your parent acts reflects on the child’s behavior so that is why parenting isShow MoreRelatedDivorce and Its Effects on Teenagers1099 Words  | 5 PagesDivorce and its effect on teenagers When parents are divorced they really think of their children? Do they consider the implications of divorce on their children? What should be the priority during the divorce? Below is the story of Craig a young lady who shares her feelings about her parents’ divorce. â€Å"A message from my mothers divorce lawyer I was surprised. Things were bad between my parents, and my mom had already threatened to divorce my dad once that year. Before things turned sour, IRead MoreDivorce And Its Effect On Children998 Words  | 4 PagesDivorce has become very popular in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, on average 50% of marriages result in a failed marriage. This percentage has been at it’s all time high. Not many couples have sustained a successful marriage in present days. Divorces have been around for a long time, and unfortunately kids have always been affected the most according to their age. As a result of divorce, there are many children that have to go through this situation at a very young ageRead MoreEffects of Divorce on Children1861 Words  | 7 PagesDivorce has many victims; they do not fall under a specific category and do not target a specific gender, age, race, or ethnicity. The effect of divorce on children differs from the effect on the spouses. The reasons for divorce are endless; they have many side effects on the spouses but most importantly affect the children. Divorce is one of the main reasons for disruption in our communities. Regardless of the reason, divorce always harms the children’s decisions, personalities, and futures. TheRead MoreEffect Of Divorce On Children1045 Words  | 5 Pagesthat the effects of divorce on children are hard to handle. In some cases, they are extreme and require counselling and therapy to help. In other cases, the child doesn’t even realize anything is wrong or is too young to understand it. Divorce causes many different types of issues in the parents; including depression. Which then in turn, affects the children. Divorce has many life changing effects on the whole entire family. Studies have proven that there are many negative effects on children as a resultRead MoreHow Broken Homes Affect Teens826 Words  | 4 PagesAffect Teens According to statistics 50% of children born to married parents today will experience the divorce of their parents before the age of 18. When parents have a divorce not only does it affect them but it also affects their kids, broken homes is a very big issue. Children have emotional damage and physical damage, this can lead to bad grades or even worse bad health. Children of all ages are affected by a divorce in someway. In 1980-1981 it was proven that children in repeated divorces gotRead MoreImpart of Divorce on Children1611 Words  | 7 PagesThe Impact of Divorce on Children Abstract This paper will present an overview of the impact of divorce on children and some of the ways that are intended to help children of divorce to successfully function in society. The impact of divorce on children takes many different forms. From mental and physical health concerns to financial instability, children suffer the most in the divorce situation. When a couple, who have children, divorces it affects the whole family. Children of divorcedRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Adolescent Development Essay1582 Words  | 7 Pagesof marriage by court called divorce. According to Pickhard (2009) many statistics suggest around 50% of first marriages divorce. Divorce can have tremendous impacting effects on those experiencing it. Not only does divorce effect parents, but it furthermore impacts adolescents as well. Adolescents may sometimes have a hard time dealing with the separation of their parents as they are going through crucial life changes as well. It is a key concern of the influence divorce has on adolescent’s developmentRead MoreThe Growing Epidemic Of Divorce Essay1386 Words  | 6 PagesThe growing epidemic of divorce in the United States could say that love is dead. Couples are now divorcing as fast as they marry! Even couples who have been married for decades are separating. The effects of divorce can be good for a couple or it can be heart wrenching. But more than often, it is the children who are involved in divorce suffering more than the common eye can see. Not only does ugly divorces put extreme stress on child, broken families and family members with addiction, disabilitiesRead MoreThe Main Reason For Collapsing Of Roman Empire And America843 Words  | 4 Pagespregnancy. Although the teen pregnancy rate is declined in recent year, the United States is one of the highest teen pregnancy rate among the western world. In 2012, there were 29.4 births for every 1,000 teenager-mothers aged from 15 to 19 years; the birth rate is decli ned to 26.5 per 1,000 teenage-mothers, or 273,105 babies were born in those age group. Moreover, the teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. is twice than in Canada, and German and France have four times lower in the teen pregnancy rate thanRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Teens And Adolescence946 Words  | 4 PagesThe Effects of Divorce on Teens and Adolescence. Every year, thousands of American children suffer through their parent’s divorce. Divorce hurts everyone involved, but most of the damage falls to the children to bear and can even put their lives at risk. Even though divorce has been shown to help some individuals in a miniscule amount of individual cases, over the large scale of available cases it causes a decrease in the individuals’ quality of life. The changes and effects can scale anywhere from
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Persuasive Speech Outline Essay examples - 942 Words
Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Organ Donation General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech my audience will consider donating their organs and tissues after death and to act upon their decision to donate. Central Idea: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you no longer need your organs. Introduction: How do you feel when you’re waiting for something you really really want? Or what if it’s not even something you want, but something you need? Something you cannot live without? Now imagine yourself in a dark, gloomy hospital room waiting to receive an organ that is crucial to your survival? Imagine knowing that there are over 110,000 other†¦show more content†¦If we don’t solve this problem people will continue to die waiting for an organ transplant. You can choose to donate the organs that you will no longer need after death. Arguments against organ donation may rise, and you might ask yourselves. If I agree to donate my organs, the hospital won’t work as hard to save my life: When you go to hospitals for treatment, doctors focus on saving your life, not someone else’s, and the doctor in charge of your care has nothing to do with transplantation. Maybe I won’t really be dead when they sign the death certificate: People who are organ donors are actually given more tests to determine that the patient is truly dead than they would give to those who are not organ donors. Transition: I’m sure you all see the need for people like you to donate your organs. But you might be asking, â€Å"Well, how can I make sure my organs are donated after I die?†Let me tell you. This is how you go about making sure your organs are donated. Mark your driver’s license so that your license indicates your intent to donate. For more information go to Fill out, sign and carry a uniform donor card with you. You can find it at or Talk to your family about your decision. This is a very important step. Even with your driver’s licenseShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech : Persuasive Outline2149 Words  | 9 PagesDyadic Persuasive Comprehensive Outline General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience how to be more successful as a college student. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: How many of you have said that there are too many options? Whether you are talking about choosing a college, class selection once you get to college, or even something as simple as choosing what to eat for dinner tonight. If you made a choice on what career field you will enter after college, you come toRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline1309 Words  | 6 PagesPersuasive Speech Outline (Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence) Topic: Voting in Election Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to vote in democratic elections to voice out their opinions and beliefs regardless of their background, to decide for their future, and to preserve the essence of democracy. Attention: * Provide a vivid description of people struggling to fight for their voting rights in certain countries. * Share relevant facts /statistics of how a small number of votesRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline1028 Words  | 5 PagesPERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE TOPIC: WHY YOU SHOULD GIVE UP SMOKING PROPOSITION: Give up smoking and you will save yourself and the others around you and live in a healthy environment. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES/PURPOSES: I want to persuade my audience on how harmful smoking does to the body and giving up the habit is the right way to do because it will literally save their lives and the people around them and the environment as well. SPEECH PLAN ATTENTION STEP: Opening statement: Smoking†¦Read MorePersuasive Speech : Speech Outline819 Words  | 4 PagesElmer Lombana Jr. Dr. Shane Gunderson SPC 2608 November 6, 2015 Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to contact Florida Department of Education to incorporate Personal Finance courses in high schools. Thesis: Instead of teaching children in schools non-vital skills like sewing and baking, Personal Finance should be taught in Home Economics or as a curriculum during a summer semester if not fulfilled with aforementioned elective. I. TheRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline994 Words  | 4 Pages10/31/12 Persuasive Speech Outline I. ADG- It is not a myth why people call fast food disgusting. On a Friday night during my graveyard shift at McDonald’s a drunken customer passed by the Drive-Thru around 2:30a.m.While my coworker was taking his order the customer decided to cuss and call her really offensive names because she couldn’t get his order right. She got mad and decided to spit in the customers Sweet Tea, she was immediately fired when another coworker told the manager. Since I startedRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline2793 Words  | 12 PagesSamples of Persuasive speech Outline SAMPLE 1 From the time we wake up in the morning to the moment we lay are head down at night, we are constantly making choices. Some take a conscious effort, some should, and some do not. Have you ever taken the time to really stop and think if you’re giving the correct amount of attention to the right choice? I’m here today to ask you to be more conscious of what you eat. I’m going to discuss health reasons, effect of food advertisements, reading foodRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline1169 Words  | 5 PagesTitle: What’s In Your Glass? Topic: The Opposition of Artificial Intelligence Method of organization: Refutative Specific Purpose: My specific purpose of this speech is to encourage those who oppose artificial intelligence to see the good that can be done with this technology. Thesis: In this presentation I hope to explain the opposition that artificial intelligence faces, show examples of successful uses of AI, and challenge those opposed to this technology to consider a change ofRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline1649 Words  | 7 PagesComm 110 Informative Outline Template (remember that a presentation aid must be used within the body of this speech.) Please label these parts as you create your outline: I. Introduction a. College is an integral time period for many people – college is a time for freedom, receiving an education, and learning what it means to survive on little to no food for long periods of time. Or at least that’s what it’s been like for me. Food is arguably one of the most important things to a collegeRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline1232 Words  | 5 PagesI. Attention A. Attention Grabber: In this moment in time, the United States has only 5 percent of the world s population, but holds 25 percent of the world s prisoners, this is costing the country approximately $80 billion dollars per year. B. Tie to Audience: From your point of view, you might think that keeping all the law violators behind bars is a positive thing because it enhances public safety, but you should take a look on how incarcerating people impacts families and the nation’s economyRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline On Immunizations1004 Words  | 5 PagesPersuasive Speech Outline Immunizations Specific Purpose: The specific purpose of my topic is to persuade my audience that immunizations are important and actually do more good than harm. Thesis: Immunizations are one of the most important medical advances in history. They have severely reduced the effects of dozens of viral infections and everyone should consider getting immunized. Introduction: Take a good look. These are the effects of just some of dozens of infectious diseases we are dealing
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Evolution of the American Television Family Essay Example For Students
Evolution of the American Television Family Essay Television is not just a form of entertainment, but it is an excellent form of study of societys view concerning its families. This study focuses on the history of television beginning in the early 1950s and will run through present day. It examines the use of racial, ethnic and sexual stereotypes to characterize the players of these shows. The examples assist in tracing what has happened to the depiction of the American family on prime time television. It reveals the change of the standards employed by network television as disclosed to the American public. Finally, I will propose the question of which is the influential entity, television or the viewing audience. The Goldbergs, which was originally a radio show, became the first popular family series. It became a weekly TV series in 1949, revealing to Americans a working class Jewish family who resided in a small apartment in the Bronx. The show, while warm and humorous, confronted delicate social issues, such as sensitivity due to the Second World War. It is an excellent example of an ethnic familys status in society. A classic among classics, I Love Lucy appeared on television on October 15, 1951, ( The series premise focused on the antics of a nonsensical wife who beguiles her easily angered husband. The series created the men-versus-women standard on television, (such as what we see between Dan and Roseanne on Roseanne today), that still predominates today. One circumstance that led TV executives to seriously challenge the shows impending success was the use of Lucille Balls real-life Cuban husband, Desi Arnaz. The mixed-marriage status was a questionable concept that worried the administrators. The situation prevailed; its episodes routinely attracted over two-thirds of the television audience. Leave it to Beaver, the definitive 1950s household comedy, focused on life through the eyes of an adolescent boy, Beaver. Beaver was a typically disorderly youngster. His brother Wally, just entering his teens, was beginning to discover the opposite sex. The relationship that existed between the boys and their parents, Ward and June, was impeccable. A situation never developed that damaged the kinship beyond restoration. The parents exhibited perfect attributes that no real man and wife could attain. The children bestowed unnatural virtues. The program became popular with Americans but it did not realistically portray Americas family status. In 1974, a series developed by Garry Marshal entitled Happy Days issued popularity to this era. The Cunningham family was the primary family featured on the program. The view of the American family modified little when the sixties arrived. Leave it to Beaver dominated television through 1963. In 1961, the Dick Van Dyke Show aided in reinforcing the flawless family image. Some viewers thought Rob and Laura Petire were visibly similar to the first family, John and Jackie Kennedy. The highly successful series Bewitched further developed the perception of an immaculate suburbia. The identical condition developed by the Ward and Petire families was operative in the Stephens family. Each television household featured a working father, affectionate mother, and attentive children. Each family was a middle-class family and all financially secure. They each resided in secure households, which were in carefree urban areas. The morality displayed between the parents was commendable and sacred. The finest depiction of the American family living in the 1960s came twenty years later. The Wonder Years, which debuted on January 31, 1988, exhibited the best portraiture of a middle-class family in distinction to the 1960s. The Arnold family featured a struggling urban household. The parents were both conventional and, in the case of the father, emotionally distant. Kevins, the teen-aged hero, growing pains mirrored those of America itself. .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 , .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .postImageUrl , .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 , .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50:hover , .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50:visited , .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50:active { border:0!important; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50:active , .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50 .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufdbcde3cd2e98a9f73a8ff9618d95c50:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Humans Screwed Up EssayThe end of the 1960s witnessed a drastic altercation in Americas culture. Televisions reflection of society had begun to mature. A solitary bed replaced the twin beds customarily utilized in the depiction of bedrooms. The relationship shared between parents and their children possessed increased difficulty. The Brady Bunch challenged the accepted family structure as it pertained to television. Televisions first blended family was introduced. The program contested certain typical regulations while practicing others. The face of television changed forever in the fall of 1971. Norman Lears All in the Family brought a sense of harsh reality to television which previously had been populated largely by inoffensive characters and stories that seemed to have been laundered before the were ever placed on the air. Its chief character, Archie Bunker, was uneducated, prejudiced, and blatantly outspoken. His constant lambasting of virtually every minority group in existence characterized the program as controversial. His problematic marriage to Edith was due to their contrasted racial ideas. The relationship that he shared with his daughter, Gloria, was strained after her decision to enter the matrimonial state with a Pole, Mike Stivic. The show became the first notable series to address racial, ethnic, and social issues within the home. Following the All in the Family genre, family series took a more conservative approach. In Family Ties, the mellow 1960s clashed with the conservative 1980s, which in some ways reflected Americas changing values in the Reagan era. The childrens ideas were in sharp contrast to that of their parents, leading to humorous conflict between the two groups. The Bill Cosby Show also addressed the variance between children of the 1980s and theyre contrasted parents. One substantial discrepancy between the two shows was race and economic status. The Bill Cosby Show confronted the social issues that pertained to a black upper class family. Both programs represented conservative issues that the majority of American families faced at this time. In the 1990s, television as a whole has developed a sense of reality in its programming. The dominant role women possess in the family and in society are better defined. In Roseanne, the idea of the American family is much more realistic than that of those shows from the 1950s. The familys obnoxious mother is the most dynamic member of the family. Married with Children was an overly exaggerated example of a problematic family. While it was a far cry from reality, the show expressed the societys opinion of its own culture in a satirical fashion. Televisions portrayal of the American family has undergone a significant transformation in the fifty years of its existence, as stated by this essay. The families seen on television today are the diametric opposite of those seen in the early 1950s. The relationship between the parents and the children has gone from perfect to dysfunctional. But, it is the dysfunctional relationships that are better examples of American families. Racial and ethnic lines have been crossed in the fifty years of televisions existence. If anything, television families have been teachers, showing the viewing audiences how to act and how things truly are. Blind folds, previously worn by the American people, have been taken off and thrown away. It is societys greater appreciation for honesty that has greatly influenced television. Bibliography:
Monday, April 13, 2020
Grover Cleveland free essay sample
State and local governments ran campaigns: chose candidates, raised money, gave out jobs Regulating the Money Supply: All money was gold or silver, or was backed in it; Bankers/politicians favored hard money, debtors and poor liked soft money Silver advocates passed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, which made treasury buy 4. 5 mil oz. Of silver per month and issue treasury notes that were equal to the cost of the silver/ gold.It increased the supply only slightly Civil-Service Reform: The Spoils System (party supporters get jobs) allowed unqualified people to et government official spots Rutherford Hayes supported civil service reform, and fired officials (Chester A. Arthur) in NYC corrupt government Garfield/Arthur for Rebus, James Weaver for Deems. After Garfield was killed, Arthur took over George Pendleton/Civil Service Reform League- Pendleton Civil Service Act, created exams standards of merit for jobs A Democrat in the White House- Grover Cleveland: Election was James Blaine for Rebus (offered favors to railroad for stock) vs. We will write a custom essay sample on Grover Cleveland or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .Cleveland for Deems (Illegitimate child Oops! ) Republican reformers like Godwin Scours supported Cleveland, were labeled Mumps (a traitor/ deserter Indian chief) Cleveland was a firm believer in laissez-fairer but did not like tariffs. Lowering them would reduce prices, slow trust creation He vetoed a bill that would give out more military pensions-?fraudulent claims were common and cost the government a lot Big Business Strikes Back- Benjamin Harrison: Benjamin Harrison (high tariff, corporation money to buy votes) for Rebus vs.. Cleveland (won popular vote, but lost overall) Rebus gave out surplus in litany pensions/medical care; enacted the McKinley Tariff, which pushed rates to a record high Agrarian Protest and the Rise of the Peoples Party: The Grange- Farmers organization that encouraged self-sufficiency, and fought against railroads (rate changes, discounts) Menu v. Illinois said Granger Laws were constitutional; Wabash v.Illinois said states cant regulate interstate railroad rates Farmers Alliance- End effects of crop-lien/debt, organize political strength. National Womens Alliance- Women Granges Alliances formed the Populist Party, nominated James Weaver. Tariff reduction, progressive income tax, silver coins) Sub-treasury plan: farmers store nonperishable merchandise in gob. Arouses, receive loans using crops, sell merchandise when prices rise African-Americans After Reconstruction: Used intimidation, fraud, and voting requirements (literacy, poll tax, property) to disenfranchise blacks; segregation /lynching Convict-lease system: employers leased prison gangs and forced them to work under slavery-like conditions Civil Rights Cases- Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional (cant protect from private citizens) Apples v.Ferguson- allowed segregated streetcars in Louisiana (equal facilities available to each race) Booker T. Washington urged accommodation to a racist society; T. Thomas Fortune insisted violence was the only way 1892- Populists Challenge the Status Quo: Election was Harrison vs.. Cleveland-?Cleveland worn. Populists got 8. 5% of votes, with 15 Congressmen.Support South/West capitalism in crisis- The Depression of 1893-1897: Panic caused by railroads overselling stock, decreased confidence on gold standard, pensions, pork-barrel spending, everyone converted stocks and erasure certificates to gold Coxes assembled an army to march against unemployment-?jobs should be created through public works projects Business Leaders Respond: Cleveland didnt pay attention to panic-?just to keeping gold up. Used bankers to lend gob. $62 mil for bonds (bought gold) Wilson-German tariff lowered duties, increased income tax. Pollock v.Farmers Loan/Trust said it was unconstitutional because the feds cant impose a direct tax on personal property without account to each states population 1894- The protest Grows Louder: William Jennings Bryan won Deem nomination of 1896, but McKinley beat him; Deems got destroyed by Rebus in Congress William H. Harvey wrote Coins Financial School that defended monetary silver, said it would end depression Silver Advocates Capture the Democratic Party: Bryan (Deem nomination) advocated free silver and therefore got support from the Populists 1896- The Republicans Triumphant: Republicans won president and Congress (supported by urban workers).Enacted Dingles Tariff (increase rates) and the Currency Act of 1900 (put America on gold standard). McKinley won reelection Roots of Expansionist Sentiment: Reasons why America started to expand- ) Competition with Europe /retain global dominance 2) Get foreign markets for economic prosperity 3) Alfred Thayer Amman said sea power-?national greatness.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Free Essays on Gambling In Arkansas
Casinos in Arkansas: It is not What They Will Do to Us, but What They Will Do for Us What could casinos do for you, whether you gambled or not? Well, NPR (National Public Radio) had a story on some Choctaw Indians that lived in Neshoba County, Ms. NPR reported that in the 1960’s the Indians were economically depressed. They were so depressed that sixty percent of them did not even have indoor plumbing. Then they open up a casino and soon another. They brought prosperity to themselves and surrounding counties. The Choctaw’s are Mississippi’s second largest employer. Iowa’s casinos provide thousands of dollars into the state. Since 1991, the RDA (Riverboat Development Authority) has awarded $33,931,755 in grants to various no-profit organizations. Education received $7,577,480 just in grants. My wife and I visited Iowa last month. You can tell that Iowa is putting their casino tax dollars to work. The streets are well maintained and wide. None of this happened overnight. The support for riverboat gambling support was sixty percent then the support raised to eighty percent in 1999. Tunica is doing so well that they have plans on opening their tenth casino. The casinos have brought more than just 320 million in gaming taxes into the state. They have brought 2.5 million in room and restaurant taxes. The casinos have brought so many jobs to Tunica that they have a shortage of workers. If casinos can provide all this prosperity for other states, why does Arkansas not have any casinos? Arkansas has a horse track in Hot Springs, and a dog track in West Memphis. Gambling is already here in Arkansas, but the Arkansas State Law states: anyone who sets up a gambling device at which money or property can be won or lost by chance, shall be deemed guilty or a misdemeanor. The way the law reads the horse tracks and dog track need to shut down, unless Arkansas does not consider them as a gambling device. However, th... Free Essays on Gambling In Arkansas Free Essays on Gambling In Arkansas Casinos in Arkansas: It is not What They Will Do to Us, but What They Will Do for Us What could casinos do for you, whether you gambled or not? Well, NPR (National Public Radio) had a story on some Choctaw Indians that lived in Neshoba County, Ms. NPR reported that in the 1960’s the Indians were economically depressed. They were so depressed that sixty percent of them did not even have indoor plumbing. Then they open up a casino and soon another. They brought prosperity to themselves and surrounding counties. The Choctaw’s are Mississippi’s second largest employer. Iowa’s casinos provide thousands of dollars into the state. Since 1991, the RDA (Riverboat Development Authority) has awarded $33,931,755 in grants to various no-profit organizations. Education received $7,577,480 just in grants. My wife and I visited Iowa last month. You can tell that Iowa is putting their casino tax dollars to work. The streets are well maintained and wide. None of this happened overnight. The support for riverboat gambling support was sixty percent then the support raised to eighty percent in 1999. Tunica is doing so well that they have plans on opening their tenth casino. The casinos have brought more than just 320 million in gaming taxes into the state. They have brought 2.5 million in room and restaurant taxes. The casinos have brought so many jobs to Tunica that they have a shortage of workers. If casinos can provide all this prosperity for other states, why does Arkansas not have any casinos? Arkansas has a horse track in Hot Springs, and a dog track in West Memphis. Gambling is already here in Arkansas, but the Arkansas State Law states: anyone who sets up a gambling device at which money or property can be won or lost by chance, shall be deemed guilty or a misdemeanor. The way the law reads the horse tracks and dog track need to shut down, unless Arkansas does not consider them as a gambling device. However, th...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Why has mental health policy been neglected Essay
Why has mental health policy been neglected - Essay Example onomically handicapped countries would rise to problematic proportions if measures are not adopted to give ample attention to these ill people and treat them too. If the Government is deaf and blind to the needs of the mentally ill, the chances are that the problem is going to be blown out of proportions. The mentally ill are looked after by relatives who can ill-afford the cost of treatment apart from arranging the care. Mental ill health also has an impact on the other physical illnesses that a human can have (BBC News, 2007). This finally will result in a situation where medical help, social support and therapy do not reach the ill person for want of resources. There is an opinion saying that (Tabish, 2005, p. 34). The well being of a person is dependent on all the three together but the crucial component is undoubtedly mental health. Mental well-being includes the behaviours which provide an atmosphere of confidence and satisfaction. This person with good mental health would exhibit enhanced self efficacy, autonomy, general competence, intergenerational dependence and emotional intelligence. Like any physiological illness, mental ill-health is the consequence of the interaction between the biological, psychological and social factors (Tabish, 2005, p. 34). Neuroendocrine and immune functioning act through one pathway and health behaviour as a second pathway contribute to mental health. Social factors like uncontrolled urbanization, poverty and rapid technological innovation are significantly bothering mental health. Mental ill health is seen in about 25% of people at some time in their lives. The illness affects all types of people in all countries, men and women, and children, the rich and the poor, urban and rural alike. This universal nature causes a heavy economic impact on societies. 20% of patients in the primary health centre are coming under the umbrella of mental illness with one or more mental illnesses (Tabish, 2005, p. 34). Four families would
Friday, February 7, 2020
Practice Determinants and Outcomes of Multiple Performance Measures Essay
Practice Determinants and Outcomes of Multiple Performance Measures - Essay Example Business performance measurement systems play an important role in developing strategic plans, monitoring and evaluating the achievement of organizational strategic goals and compensating managers. In today’s dynamic business environment with extreme competition, there has been considerable discussion on the importance of performance measurement innovations (Kaplan & Norton, 1996, Atkinson et al., 1997, Ittner & Larcker, 1998a). New financial metrics such as Economic Value Added (EVAÂ ®) and Shareholder Value Approach (SVA) have been introduced and used by some organizations. Non-financial measures have been recommended to complement the financial measures and organizations are being advised to erect multi-dimensional measurement systems. Multiple performance measurements and integration of financial and non-financial measures are some of the key innovations in management control systems that will provide managers critical information on monitoring key business activities and organizational goals. As no comprehensive corporate performance measurement study has been conducted in Hong Kong and Shanghai, the first objective of this study is to explore the current practices of multiple performance measures by both Hong Kong and Shanghai organizations and compare any differences between them. As Hong Kong is one of the international cities long influenced by modern western managerial practices, it is preferable to study the performance measurement practices in Hong Kong.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The War Between the Classes Essay Example for Free
The War Between the Classes Essay This book tells about a Japanese girl who has an relationship with a white boy and an Color game in their class. Emiko Sumoto is a 17 year old middleclass Japanese girl. She has a relationship with a white rich boy called Adam Tarcher. Her father is against this relationship because his afraid of his daughter and doesn’t trust the whites. At the beginning of the book Amy, so Emiko is called by her friends and Adam go to the school ball. Amy’s father wants her to be home at one a clock right after the ball. On the ball Adam’s friend speak stupidly to Amy. Amy doesn’t like Adams friends but she doesn’t say a word about it. But after the ball Amy and Adam forget the time and Amy comes home after two in the night. Her father is very angry and therefore Amy isn’t allowed to see Adam for a week. She calls him and tells it to him But they decide to be together in school every day. After telephoning she and her parents go to visit her brother Hideo. Her father hasn’t talked to him over a year because he had married a white woman named Sue. At the dinner Sue tells that she is pregnant. The next week in school they start a Color game in Amys and Adams common class. Her teacher Otero explains them how it works: it lasts for four weeks. There are four colors: The blue the highest, the dark greens, the second highest, the light greens and the oranges which are the worst. They have to pick out there color out of a bag. Then they get a band which they’ve to wear 24 hours a day and some play money. The lower colors must do what the higher colors want them too and if they obey they have the chance to be promoted otherwise they can be demoted. They also have to take a journal with them in which they’ve to write their experiences with the game which Otero collects each week. They’ve also to report if somebody of the lower colors disobey. There are also guards, the G4’s who watch what they are doing and control if they disobey. They have to pick their color out of a bag. Amy picks blue and Adam orange. So they aren’t allowed to talk with each other anymore without being punished. There’s also a difference between boys and girls. The girl are called Teks and have a higher position than the boys, the Non-Teks. So Amy is in the highest position and Adam in the lowest one. At first Amy enjoys being a blue. So she can order the others like Adams friend Justin around whom she doesn’t like. She likes to have power now and is listened to by everyone. She also isn’t punished as she talks to Adam. Only Adam has to pay with his play money for it. But then she doesn’t like it anymore because she isn’t allowed to talk to Adam and to her other friends. Only to the blue ones. So she tries to restore to contact to her friends. She calls her friend Carol, which is a dark green one and asks her to go shopping like they did in former times. But Carol wants to be promoted as a blue and she can’t if she’s seen with a blue one. But finally she accepts it. They go to the mall and Carol wears her band though they’ve said that they wouldn’t wear it. And then they meet Brian, one of the G4’s he wants to see Carols band and journal and writes Amy down as she says that she had intentional left her band at home. After shopping she goes home and thinks about it. She colors a poster: All Colors Unite. She calls her friend Juan, who’s a light green to help her and together they go to hang up the poster in the school at night. She also eats again with her friends in lunchtime and she starts to bow to the lower colors which they would have to do to her. Brian sees that and writes it down. In the next lesson. The G4’s accuse the Oranges to had hung up the poster. But Amy stands up and says that she had done it and also Juan does. So after all she had done she got demoted to an Orange and Juan too. Amy is now happy because she’s now again together with Adam and her friends. Together they decide to make a rebellion to make all colors equal. They want to make bands which include all four color, write posters and distribute pamphlets. Also in this time Amy starts to contradict Adam, not to do anything for him. She also dares to contradict to her father as Sue loses her baby. She cries to him that he couldn’t be nice to her. After that they visit Hideo and Sue and her father tries to show affection for the first time. At Juan’s house they make the four colored bands and produce the posters. As they’ve finished the G4’s Brian and Mary come and want to take away their bands. But Amy protests and the others agree and load in the bands into the cars. In school they put the bands into the lockers but when they want to get it they’re gone. But Gwen, a blue one helps them. She has procured a bag with a red band. They cut it and distribute it to all pupils and finally they know that they’ve won. At the last day of the color game they mad a beauty contest for the boys and the boys see how terrible it is to be treated like a piece of meat. Then they are allowed to give away their bands. Then they embrace the teacher and all are glad to have come through this hard time. Also Amy’s father had changed in this time. He said that Adam could come to them for dinner and it with them together with Hideo and Sue. Amy is very happy about it. 1. Summaries The following are short summaries of each chapter of the book The War Between the Classes written by Gloria D. Miklowitz an author who has specialized in writing young adult books. The story takes place in somewhere in California and deals with a relationship between Amy a young of Japanese extraction and Adam an upper-class WASP. For their disappointment their parents are too prejudice to really accept their relationship. Chapter 1 At the beginning of this chapter Amy is waiting at home for her boyfriend Adam. As he arrives and after her father has told her to be back right in time both are driving to a dance at school. On the way she is telling him about the fear of her father that he could lost her like her older Brother Hideo who married a white women. When they enter the courtyard Amy is first talking to her friends Carol and Juan. Hereafter she moves with Adam to a table which his friend Justin has reserved for them and some other friends. Then because Adam has requested her for it, Amy shows the others how to dance the hula. Soon Juan a friend of Amy and Justin are in trouble who is next to dance with her. Just before they begin to fight Amy divides them saying that she has already promised Juan to dance with him. Both begin to talk about what happened just until Adam joins them and she goes away with him. Chapter 2 This Chapters starts in front of Amy’s house. Amy and Adam are sitting in his car when Amy looks on her watch and gets shocked that it is already so late. She is hastening to the house hoping that her parents are already asleep but instead both are still waiting for her coming home. So she gets in trouble because of being late and her father forbids her to see Adam for a week. Sad she goes to bed. The next day she calls Adam at his home when their parents are outside working. First of all she is a little bit confused and fears that she only is some girl for Adam but she soon calms down and informs Adam about what has happened and that she cannot go to the beach party with him. Afterwards she is visiting her Brother Hideo and his wife Sue which Amy has not seen for about a year because her father prohibits her to do so because of being angry that Hideo has married without his permission. Both are living in small and old apartment trying to make the best out of it. They are eating some chicken Sue has cooked and are talking about several things including the color game. Moreover Hideo tells his parents that they are going to get a child. First off all Mr. Sumoto reacts in a very unfriendly way just asking Hideo if he could afford that. But then he notices that it might be not so bad to have a grandchild. Chapter 3 The next day she meets Adam when she is walking at school and Amy tells him what she has get to know about the color game and her fear that it could divide them. However she is thinking that this might be a good test for their relationship. When they arrives at class in front the students sorted by skin colors Otero, their teacher, arrives an opens unlocks the door. He informs everybody that the game will start today and thereafter explain its rules (Þ 2. Description of the Color Game). A few, especially Adam, think that this game is far from reality and shows it in making some jokes. Nevertheless everybody has to chose a color by chance so that Amy gets Blue and Adam Orange. Sad about this situation Adam tells her that there is the possibility that he is promoted or she is demoted so that they could meet in the middle. Other people just like Paul Thomas, a black, enjoys their new status and superiority. Chapter 4 This Chapter begins in the library where Amy is thinking about what has happened. We get to know that in a Japanese Camp she has learned, besides other things, that being female means being a chameleon adapting the boy you are dating with. Moreover she does not want to be bad to be demoted because its not her way of living. That all makes her felling trapped by others just like her father or even Adam. Later, at lunchtime, she searches Adam and finds out that he is in the back of the row just because being an orange. After she has taken her food she sits down on a table with him, Justin, Melissa and some others. As Justin wants to answer Melissa’s question about the armbands and several other things Amy gets angry and remembers him of her superiority. But he does not want to follow her instructions and so gets into trouble with Brian a G4 so that Amy regrets a little that she is responsible for this. Moreover Brian remembers Amy to stop socializing with an Orange like Adam. So she is a little depressed but Adam promises to call her.While she is await of that call in the afternoon she thinks about seeing Adam when she is going to tutor his sister Bettina. When he calls her they are talking about what happened in school and Adam has to admit that it does not feel good to be in so a low position and several other things related with the game and their relationship. Chapter 5 The next chapter starts with Amy on her way to school lost in thought when Brian arrives and tries to get a date with her. Adam interrupts and remembers him that Amy is his girl but Brian uses his position as a G4 to quiet him. But however Amy does not want to go with him so that he leaves. Then she arrives at class this time the students standing sorted by the colors of the game. In class Thomas makes a joke about how it would be if he could keep his position also in real live and then Mary a G4 explains another aspect of the game: sex discrimination. (Þ 2. Description of the Color Game) Afterwards some students including Adam and Amy are fined for offences of the rules. But Amy is shocked that Adam because of being an Orange is fined much more then here. For the remaining time Otero shows them some other examples of racial injustice how it could be find in literature.After class Amy is talking to Carol a friend of Amy who owns the position of a Dark Green about cheating the game. But Carol is unsure what to do and Amy must fear that she might be reported to Brian because Carol really wants to be promoted. Chapter 6 Amy tutors or better tries to tutor Bettina in math because Bettina tries everything to avoid it just as talking about a boy from school. Soon we get to know that Bettina has the prejudice the Orientals are especially good in mathematics but Amy tells her that it is only a matter practice and not of color. Even though she has promised Adam to wait for him coming from soccer practice she has to left. On the way outside she meets Mrs. Tarcher which makes feeling her uncomfortable just taking her for Eileen a girl she prefers instead of Amy. When she leaves Adam arrives in his car, jumps out and explains that he is sorry because he could not manage to leave earlier. Both go happily back into his car but Amy cannot forget what happened and feels again sad because of their parents prejudices. Adam tells her his experiences of being low class and because he ask if it is always that way for those people Amy tells him a story about a man who lost his arm so that he could not longer work and that his family has so no more chance to move up in society. Therefor Adam explains her that he now understands what Otero want to show with the game but that he is also going to manipulate its the system. Before Amy can answer the two are disturb by a policeman but as he recognizes that he is speaking to Adam Tarcher he is sorry and lefts. Just before she leaves she remembers when her brother has been in trouble with the police and that this officer has not been so polite because Hideo is no privileged. Chapter 7 Later in the evening she is calling Carol. After a while they arrange to meet at the shopping hall next Saturday. Moreover we get to know how Amy has tried to convince other Blues to help her cheating the game in uniting all colors but has not been successful. So she hopes now that maybe Carol would help her. On Saturday just before going to the mall she is visiting Hideo and Sue. Both are doing housework and Amy is surprised where her brother has learned to do so. Later Amy wants to know how they have met and if their different colors has ever mattered. So we get to know that both have met in College and that Hideo has first tried to avoid further contact with Sue because of fearing the old-fashioned opinion of his parents but he could not manage this for very long. For Sue it never matter that Hideo has got another color because for her those things are unimportant. But she knows that other people do so and is of the opinion that Otero’s game might let them notice what they are doing. At the mall Amy meets Carol in front of the bookstore. As Carol presents Amy the romances she has bought she notices for the first time that it shows always white people on the cover. We are also informed that Amy and Adam have met in a Toy Factory on the mall where she has worked. Afterwards they are going in a fast-food-restaurant talking about the game and how Amy wants to cheat it as Brian a G4 arrives. He checks for the armbands an journals and as he assumes that Amy has just forget to wear her armband she tells him that she has intentionally not brought it with her so that she is going to be reported and demoted. Chapter 8 When Amy is lost in thoughts why she is going to be a rebel, Bettina Adams sister calls her because she wants to tell her that she passed the math test. Moreover she insists that Adam is going to have a party at Saturday with some friends and also Eileen so that Amy is confused that Adam has not invited her. Saturday night she is playing chess with her father telling him about the color game and her try to cheat it. But her father cannot understand her will to be a rebel instead of being pleased with her position in the game. He cannot understand why she wants to help the lower classes and begins to speak about his time in a camp during World War II and Amy’s grandfather who has tried to change things and was sent to another camp. And when Amy says her brother thinks she should do what is right and not what is safe he blames him being unknowing because he has lived longer and therefore more experiences he can relate to. The next day she is producing posters saying All Colors Unite for putting them up at school. Later she call Juan because of not knowing someone else for help her doing this. And both together manages it without any problems. The next day she arrives at school she bows back at everybody just showing to be equal. Moreover she sits down at a table with Light Greens getting the attention of the G4’s and the advice to move to the right table. In class they are talking about a book they had have to read Black like me which deals with a educated white man how wants to know if color really matter so that he changes his skin color to black and therefore has to notice that everybody just looked at his color and not at his capabilities. Then Brian begins to speak blaming the Oranges to have put up those posters and wants to know who is responsible for it. Finally Amy and Juan admits to be responsible and so that they are both demoted Orange. Chapter 9 Amy and Adam leaves class together when there is soon a little trouble why Juan helped her and not he but after a while everything is right again. And when Amy goes to her next class they are already going to have an Orange meeting at Adam’s house later. There after everybody is convinced that Amy is no spy they are making plans what they could do to improve the situation and soon there is the idea of making four-color-armbands for everybody at school to finally unite all colors. They decide to meet at Juan because his mother is doing piecework for dress manufacture so that there is enough material to be used for it. Chapter 10 On Wednesday Amy is called by her brother who tells her that Sue does not feel all right and he has unfortunately an urgent meeting so that Amy offers him to look for her right after school. On her way to school she meets Brian blaming her being late and wanting to see her journal so that she has to stay in the rain a little longer. Therefore she is in hurry and sit down in the first row like usual but is send to the front by Carol who has promoted Blue. In the Lesson they are talking about another book Otero has forced them to read. It is Down These Mean Streets which deals with a Puerto Rican and his experiences of living in the USA. This man was unable to move up in society and was not accepted by upper classes because of being white. Because of this some which similar roots begin to report about their parents or grandparents bad experiences and that differences color and money seems to be the factors most responsible for it. After class Amy calls Mrs. Tarcher to excuse her for today in explaining her the situation and offering her to tutor Bettina next Saturday. Moreover Amy is surprised that Mrs. Tarcher does not say anything like: Hope she feel better soon! Later Adam drives her to Sue who is found by Amy in the bedroom not looking good. After Amy has got to know that she has lost a lot of blood Sue begins to cry so that Amy tries comfort her and calls her parents. When they arrives the cares for her cooking some special tea and explaining that she should rest in bed like the doctor has said. Chapter 11 This Chapter is introduced by an journal entry of Amy telling us about a test they have written in class and that it has seemed to be much easier for the upper colors than for the lower. Furthermore she calls Sue which has unfortunately lost her baby and say that she wants no one to come over before tonight. Moreover Amy informs her parents about this when they comes home from work. And she blames her father being unfair to Sue so that her mother shows her the things she has made for Hideo’s and Sue’s baby and the old bonsai which her father was going to hand to them. Finally they decide to get over tonight. When they arrive Hideo opens them, looking very sad. Quiet they are going into the bedroom where Mr. Sumoto settles the bonsai on the dresser and explains Sue that Hideo and the doctor are all right when they says she shall take care of herself and not go to work. Moreover he promises her that she will have a son one day. And for the first time they seem to be one b ig family. Chapter 12 After tutoring Bettina Amy and Adam are driving to Juan’s house. On the way they are talking about the contest which Adam might win and then Amy ask for the party she was not invited. But Adam is surprised and then angry because he realizes that his sister has played a shabby trick on them. When they arrive at Juan’s the Oranges and some Light Greens are already going to produce the four-color-armbands and some new All Color Unite-posters. Both are helping to finish the latter. Beside they all are talking about several things and their experiences with the color game. Around six o’clock everything is finished and they are going to load everything in there cars when Brian arrives and tries to confiscate everything but they just ignore him. So that he cannot do anything except promising them that he has ways to hinder their rally they have planed for Wednesday. Chapter 13 When Amy arrives at school next Monday she is immediately going to her locker to stow away some of the new armbands when she is stopped by Paul Thomas who seems to know something about it. But then she can reach her aim without further disturbance. In the rest room she meets Gwen a Blue who is also informed about the rally and warns Amy that G4’s and Otero plans something to hinder it. Moreover she will try to find out how it should be managed. Moreover she does not treat Amy like an Orange but a friend. In front of a class Dark Greens and Blues are still separated but Oranges and Light Greens have begun to mix. At the beginning of the lessons Otero reminds everybody of the beauty contest and that it shall show how sexist they really are. The girls sit down in a circle around the boys which are forced to demonstrate their physical attributes. After a while more and more boys are sorted out finally only Adam and Paul remains. To decide who will win there is a kind of quiz based on differences between the genders. At last Paul wins. Afterwards just before they leave class the students talk about the contest and their feelings about it. Chapter 14 This is the last chapter and deals with the rally on Wednesday. It starts with Amy awaking, having breakfast and going to school. On the way she meets Gia Dark Green who tells her that something is going on with the armbands they have met. The posters has been already hang up but no one make any attempt in removing them. Before she can open her locker Adam appears, looking angry because all of the four-color-armbands disappeared. Soon they suppose that someone must be a spy. Not knowing what to do Gwen arrives with some red ribbons which they can use as armbands. And it works. Everybody wants to get an armband and soon the whole school is wearing them. When they arrive at class Otero is proud because for the first time a class was able to united everybody before the game ends. The fines the G4’s imposes does not matter for anybody now. On Friday morning Amy’s mother asks her about Adam and tells her that they was possible wrong. Moreover her Dad has had the idea of inviting Adam for dinner. Happily she is going to school. There they sit down in a circle and before dropping their color-bands they are talking about their experiences with the game. They get also to know how Otero it has managed to select what people shall become what color and that Troy was the spy who has informed the G4’s about the rally. And he is also very proud because of Amy who has successfully changed the system of the game. Many have found new friends through the game and are going to stop judging others by color now. In the end Adam declares that he would like having dinner with Amy and her parents very much. 2. Description of the Color-Game The Color Game developed by Ray Otero works like described in the following text. First off all there are four colors (Blue, Dark Green, Light Green, Orange) representing four different classes in society, with Blue at the top and Orange at the bottom. All participants of the game which will last four weeks are allocated to one color by random that is what they thinkbut in fact there is a pre-selection by the teacher based on a evaluation of a test everyone has had to write. So if they have chosen a color they get a armband of their color and a journal which his to be carried all the time. In this journal they have to write a report of every day helping the teacher to decide if the owner learns anything or not what can be a responsibility for de- or promoting someone. By the rules of the game inferior colors are not allowed to speak to or socialize with superior ones. The other way round a superior color may address an inferior. Moreover lower colors must show their inferiority by bowing to higher colors. And  of course higher colors does have more privileges in society so they gets e.g. more money than others. Then there is a police force called G4 which is responsible for checking if every keeps to the rules of the game and will fine everyone who is not doing not. The G4’s also check for the journals. Additionally there are spies who will report when someone tries to rebel against the system. Besides reporting someone who does so means the chance of moving up in the game. Furthermore all the subject of sex-discrimination is included in the game working vice versa as in real life. That means that women or Teks like they are called in the game are the superior and man called No-Teks the inferior gender. Moreover that has to be shown by every No-Tek in curtsying to Teks. In addition No-Teks are also forced to bring self made cookies and coffee to class. And they will also take part in a beauty contest so that Teks could judge for their physical attributes and talents. And at last Teks also gets more money then No-Teks of the same color. The game was developed because of the still present prejudices against people of other classes of society or other colors. This game shall prevent that these prejudice still grow and furthermore demonstrate that they are unfounded. The color game helps to understand the situation of others better so that the participants of the game learn to get along with each other after it. It also shall prove how man treats women without really knowing. So they are forced to think about their behavior. Moreover it illustrates how society really is and instruct people to behave in another way just like they have learned in the game. So a when also far aimof the game is to change society as well. 3. Characterization of Amy and Adam their families 3.1. Amy and her family Amy Sumoto which is the nickname for the Japanese name Emiko is the first person narrator in the story from whose point of view the story is presented. That can be proven with following. So first of all we get only to know about her experiences, thoughts and feelings. Other persons are therefore always seen through her eyes. Moreover there is no other narrator in the story. For that reason we suppose that she is the main character of the story. Her outward appearance is not described very detailed in the story but she is generally described as beautiful and exotic. It is very probably that she looks like Japanese person in general. Moreover we get to know the following about her. She is like already mentioned -Japanese and lives with her parents in a multi-cultural middle-class neighborhood. She is 17 years old and is therefore going to high school. Her most preferred teacher is Mr. Otero who is also the developer of the color game and instructs it to the class. Except the end that means the last two chapters she has a not so good relationship to her father because she thinks that he is old-fashioned and stubborn and not accepting that she is in love with Adam a WASP. (Þ 4.1 Relationship: Amy and Adam) Moreover she blames him and also her mother for not being able to accept Sue the wife of her older brother Hideo as a part of the family. But in the end we get to know that her parents are not so narrow minded like Adam’s parents and sister. (Þ 3.2 Adam and his family). And we get also to know that he has a real reason to be prejudices what are his experiences in a camp he was forced to live during World War II. But deep inside she loves her parents.During the color game she tries several times to help the lower colors and to unite all against the system. She also does not give up when she is demoted an Orange and finally is successful. That shows that she can be a very strong-willed person if she really believes in something. So she does e.g. say that it is not in her nature to try to fail. (p.33, l.33) Moreover she is usually very friendly and polite towards others. For example in the color game she does not treat someone bad only because he is of a lower color. Of course there are some exception especially in her treatment towards Justin and Brian but in general she tries to be a diplomatic person. Furthermore mainly relating to Adam she is also very loyal. So she does not go out with Brian just because she cannot go with Adam or does not end their relationship only he is said to have a party with Eileen instead of her. That also shows the deepness of her love towards Adam. 3.2. Adam and his family Adam is Amy’s boyfriend. Because of this close relationship to the narrator of the story we can say that he is the second main character in the story. Adam is a white American upperclass WASP. The he must be wealthy can be proven with following. So he is living in a very big house on Valley Vista (p.9, l.5) which is described by Amy as looking like a castle (p.9, l.8) with fourteen or more rooms (p.9, l.6). Moreover he has got his own and expensive car, an BMW (p.52, l.4). He is also one of the best looking boys in class so he is e.g. one of the last two No-Teks in the beauty-contest and is e.g. compared with a statue of a young Greek (p.8, l.13). Moreover he has golden meaning blonde hair (p.8, l.14/15) so that he is a strong and attractive boy. He has got a sister called Bettina who is a few years younger than him and who is tutored in mathematics by Amy. Moreover we got to know a little about his mother but nothing about his father. All in this family maybe except Adam have prejudice against non-white persons. So she is of the opinion that Amy is not good enough for Adam and wants to replace her with Eileen an also rich white girl form the circle of friends of the family. Moreover she e.g. thinks that Orientals have special attitudes for math and science (p.49, l.7 f.) how Bettina informs Amy when she is tutored by her. That shows indicates that she is also prejudiced. Moreover she plays a shabby trick on Adam and Amy when phoning Amy and telling her that Adam is going to have a party with some friends just as Eileen. But also because of his prejudices and the conflicts with his parents he is not willed to leave Amy just because other does not accept her. 4.1 Relationship: Amy and Adam The relationship between Amy and Adam develops into the story so that I will try to draw attention to the most important points in this process. In the beginning there are in love and especially Adam does not see what could change their relationship but Amy already recognizes the prejudices from both families which try to separate them. Then their relation is menaced by Amy’s father who places her under house arrest four one week because of coming home late from the dance. (Þ Chapter 2) Therefore she is not able to got with Adam to a beach party and because of this calls him but when is call just some girl (p. 18, l. 6) she begins to doubt that Adam is upright to her especially when he tells her to go to the party anyway because he has promised to accompany Justin. But also because of his diplomatic abilities everything seems to be again all right after the call.When the color game starts it is possible the most difficult test for their relationship since it beginning becau se of Amy getting Blue and Adam getting Orange (Þ 2. Description of the Color Game) Therefore they can next to nothing meet each other for about two weeks because of the rules of the game. So she can have a little time with Adam at his home after she has tutored his sister. Then their relationship gets finally into crisis when Bettina played a trick on her brother and her. Therefore she asks Juan instead of him for putting up the All Colors Unite posters so that the situation is near to escalate. But their relationship improves when Amy is demoted an Orange. Now they can prepare the rebellion against the color game together and at the end of the story also Amy’s parents want to meet Adam so he is invited for dinner. (Þ Chapter 14) But there relationship gets also some mature. So while playing the color game Amy recognizes the sexist behavior of Adam. Because of this she is no more trying to adapt himas she has usually done when meeting boys. And also Adam finally recognizes this fact and is going to change his behavior for not jeopardizing their relationsh ip this way. 4.2 Subplot: Hideo and Sue The subplot Hideo and Sue shows mainly that such a relationship like this of Amy and Adam can exist for a long period. So it might be an outlook of their future life. Moreover it demonstrates that whites are not naturally prejudiced. Moreover it illustrates how oldfashioned the idea is that women should do housework and man should go to work. Instead of this Sue and Hideo see each other equal. So both are go to work and shares the housework between each other. Hideo usually makes those things you need more physical strength for and Sue does the remaining work. It is in fact a very idealistic view of people, always being unprejudiced against others in trying to understand and help them. Moreover they always try to make the best out of everything, e.g. out of their home a small but now clean and tidy flat. 5. Assessment of the Color Game In my opinion the color game is a good way of teaching people how unfair it really is to be judged by color, wealth or gender. Moreover it shows students belonging to a low class that which usually become Dark Green or Blue why how it feels to be upper-class and why upper-class people normally do not care for inferior classes. For a few weeks you becomes another person with another status and learns what it means to live so if you then regain you origin status you can see everything from two perspectives so that upper-class people might stop to discriminate lower-classes and the other way round lower classes does better understand the behavior of upper-class persons. Moreover especially because the game works with colors you might remember how it felt to be judged by it and will stop to do so with other people. Moreover I do not believe that you can really be emotionally damaged by the game. So upper colors are of course threatened well so that in my humble opinion there is no reason of being emotionally damaged this way. But also when you get a low color you have only to bear things for about four weeks black or Puerto Rican people did for decades. Moreover the teacher gets to know about the emotional situation of the person through his/her journal. So if someone is really depressed to much he can be promoted every time. Moreover in the appendix of the book it is written about only one student who has blamed to have being emotional damaged by the game. But this person has only played the game for one day so that this cannot be a real proof. In my opinion playing the color game might be uncomfortablealso for me but for being emotionally damaged the probability is very small. 6. Book Review I enjoyed reading the book very much. First of all because it was not written in my mother tongue and so I get the chance to see how good I can cope with the English language also when it was much easier to understand than e.g. a book of one the big classical authors such as Shakespeare or Huxley. Then story was very interesting and authentic because of being based on something we all good know: school. And it is furthermore based on the real existing color game developed by Ray Otero who personally explains it in the story. This game everything is constructed around comprises so many aspects of the American class system and shows how miserable your life could be just because of your skin color. So by reading the book you get a when sometimes even exaggerated outlook on living in the USA what was also very interesting for me. But the book or the color game it deals with does not only show how unfair the American class system could be it shows that something can be changed and orders the reader to drop groundless prejudices. And that all packed in an exciting story of relationship between a Japanese girl and a upper-class WASP called Amy and Adam made it fun to read the book and made it easy to get part of the story. Also when I prefer reading good science fiction novels stories (when I read for my own) it was also exciting to read this one.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Supremacy :: essays research papers
THE NATURAL DESIRE FOR THE SUPREMACY OF ONE â€Å"The frogs, grieved at having no established Ruler, sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving their simplicity, he cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs were terrified at the splash occasioned by its fall and hid themselves in the depths of the pool. But as soon as they realized that the huge log was motionless, they swam again to the top of the water, dismissed their fears, climbed up, and began squatting on it in contempt. After some time they began to think themselves ill-treated in the appointment of so inert a Ruler, and sent a second deputation to Jupiter to pray that he would set over them another sovereign. He then gave them an Eel to govern them. When the Frogs discovered his easy good nature, they sent yet a third time to Jupiter to beg him to choose for them still another King. Jupiter, displeased with all their complaints, sent a Heron, who preyed upon the Frogs day by day till there were none left to croak upon the lake.†     Aesop’s fable tells of a problem that has existed throughout history, the need for supremacy. Someone always has to be the best, the leader, the ultimate judge, and without this ranking, the people are never satisfied. There is a need for humans to classify others into the general categories of inferior and superior and the ultimate superior is necessary. This tendency has led many nations to create a form of rule with only one leader which although can at times be beneficial is always a waiting disaster. This has been a tendency through out history that has led to the downfall of many civilizations and is also a basis in religion and can be seen in many aspects of today’s society.      Before civilization began, humans existed as nomadic wonderers. People looked nothing like the people of today and they spent their existence surviving. Not only did they look different, they lived differently as well. Very little would be recognizable to the people of today and their way of life was altogether different than the human way of life today. However, supremacy still existed in these nomadic tribes. Evidences have been found, showing there to be a chief or key person who looked over the tribe and served as the ruler. This shows that from the beginning of time people have had this desire to rule or be ruled over.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Duality in Frankenstein Essay
Victor and the monster have a special relation that goes beyond any known up to date. Not even Henry Clerval has this relation with Victor; the monster is the fulfilment of Victor and vice versa, Victor hides from society whilst the monster aches for society, Victor does not appreciate the surroundings and nature, the monster lives for it. The monster is what Victor fails to be, for example at the beginning of his life the monster is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and a believer in Mother Nature and some superior being, whilst Victor believes he is God by creating life, he is very intelligent and plays tricks on people and he only believes in himself. The fact is that whatever the monster has, Victor is lacking for example, and the monster has love for everyone and is not prejudiced, Victor only love himself as he makes it clear during the novel and maybe he appreciates Clerval but only because Henry is what he wanted to be in the future. Also and most importantly Victor has something the monster will never have, a name, and not only a simple name he has a very well known and prosper name, the monster will never be known and disappear in oblivion, whilst the Frankenstein name will perjure forever, like he says in the begging of the novel, â€Å"I was willing to achieve the fame†. Another thing which marks the duality by these two characters is the social life they both have, most importantly Victor is always sad and apart from this, he lacks any feeling, whilst the monster living in a shed discovers that happiness can be achieved anywhere and is himself joyful even though he see other people being happy, the monster discovers love, Victor discover admiration, the monster learns how to appreciate what he has and what nature gives him, and Victor is not happy with what he has nor with what the nature gives him, he is so unconformity that he has to create his own being and alter nature. Most importantly the monster seeks social adaptation and love whilst Victor hides from people and love, he is repulsed by the idea that he has to marry Elizabeth and he does not have other friend than Henry. Another different thing by both these characters is their love for Elizabeth, the monster demonstrates that he loves her by her aspect, her eyes her mouth she is so perfect that the monster needs her for himself and Victor loves her because he admires her but nothing else so if you compare these two feelings you will see that the complete each other and they in conjunction create love and admiration. The emotions that Victor lacks are very powerful in the monster until the moment of his departure form the DeLacy house. Until that moment the monster does not realise his full repulsion and believes in the goodness of mankind, Victor hates mankind and I’m sure that he would love to be the only man in the world and depend only on himself. And the monster is so good in attitude and feelings and so loving in his interior that we feel so bad for him and so hating for victor that we can’t stand it we have to hate victor because these two characters are like the Jing and jang, the good and the bad which cannot exist with some bad in them, the monster is loving but kills and Victor plays to be good and is unsocial but loved Henry, Elizabeth and his small brother. In conclusion the monster fulfils Victor emotionally and social and most importantly with his will of survival whilst Victor fulfils the monster with that basic needs of small quantities of hate, disrespect and will to be above the others.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Inspiration and Advice About Divorce
You must have heard the famous proverb, The road to hell is paved with good intentions. All marriages are fraught with problems. Show me a perfect match, and I will show you the worlds greatest illusion. So if you are getting out of the marriage because it did not work out the way you envisioned your perfect life to be, wake up to the real world. Divorce Affects the Whole Family If there seems to be no chance of reconciliation, divorce may be inevitable. A relationship devoid of love is no relationship at all. If your spouse and you have decided to go ahead with the divorce, you need to make sure to handle the breakup sensitively. Not just assets and money are at stake; your near and dear ones are also going to bear the brunt of the breakup. Hence, keeping your emotions at a neutral level, you need to ensure that others are not hurt by your decision. Divorce will have an irreversible impact on your family. Children and even ​pets go through emotional upheaval and mental trauma. You need to treat them with great sensitivity, keeping their interest and well-being in mind. Whether you choose to move to a new house, city, or town, make sure that your family does not suffer due to a change of surroundings. Shake Off the Post-Divorce Gloom If divorce has affected you, take some time off work to heal yourself. Join a yoga class, learn a new language, go out with friends, or even rekindle your childhood hobbies. The loneliness after separation may initially seem unbearable, but be optimistic about moving on. Remind yourself that you are now in control of your life, and you will depend only on yourself for your happiness. Don’t feel guilty about the divorce. Accept your mistakes, and be generously forgiving of yourself. There is no point living in self-pity or condemnation. How to Cope With Loneliness If you are feeling low, read these quotes about moving on. Vent your sadness with sad love quotes. Hang out with friends who are supportive and caring. Make new friends, even though you dont feel ready for a commitment. Dont feel guilty about having fun. You are entitled to happiness, just as everyone else is. Renew Your Life With Optimism Divorce may be the end of a relationship, but it could also open avenues for new relationships. You also have the chance to reinvent yourself. Take this opportunity to learn more about yourself. Reflect on your life and past mistakes. If you are moving into a new relationship, learn lessons from your previous relationships. Dont carry the baggage of old memories into your new relationship. They can only add to your woes. Instead of living on regrets and nostalgia, look ahead with optimism and dreams. Get inspired to challenge your limits and aim high. Your enthusiasm can help renew your life. Use these divorce quotes as good counsel. You may not be able to undo your past or avoid the divorce, but you can at least ensure that your future relationships don’t suffer in the same way. These divorce quotes provide you with adequate food for thought along with some invaluable insight on relationships. Quotes Robert Anderson: In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage. Walt Whitman: Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul. Mark Gungor, Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Marriage problems are relationship problems, they are the result of how two people interact with each other. You may abandon a troubled marriage, but you will still bring the way you interact with others along with you. Nora Ephron: Marriages come and go, but divorces are forever. Christina Aguilera: My parents divorce and hard times at school, all those things combined to mold me, to make me grow up quicker. And it gave me the drive to pursue my dreams that I wouldnt necessarily have had otherwise. Evan Esar: Divorce is the price people play for playing with matches. Rita Mae Brown: Divorce is the one human tragedy that reduces everything to cash. Helen Rowland: When two people decide to get a divorce, it isnt a sign that they dont understand one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to. Roseanne Barr: Take this marriage thing seriously -- it has to last all the way to the divorce. Zoe Stern: Divorce can sometimes be for the better. You may end up with happier parents, and you will definitely learn a lot about yourself! And thats the whole point of growing up. So if you think about it, there are reasons to be happy about this experience, if you can learn and grow from it. Jack Benny: My wife Mary and I have been married for forty-seven years and not once have we had an argument serious enough to consider divorce; murder, yes, but divorce, never. Suzanne Finnamore, Split: The snag about marriage is, it isnt worth the divorce. American Proverb: The easiest way to get a divorce is to be married. Helen Rowland: Nowadays love is a matter of chance, matrimony a matter of money, and divorce a matter of course. Gerald F. Lieberman: Divorce is a declaration of independence with only two signers. David Arquette: People that go through what I went through and people going through divorce, its really a difficult process; its heartbreaking and it hurts really bad. It can really mess with your head. Joan Rivers: Half of all marriages end in divorce -- and then there are the really unhappy ones. Voltaire: Friendship is the marriage of the soul, and this marriage is liable to divorce. Al Goldstein: If you cannot work on the marriage or the women is a moron, staying married and cheating makes the most sense because divorce is disruptive to the family life and your bank account. Erica Jong: There is a rhythm to the ending of a marriage just like the rhythm of a courtship -- only backward. You try to start again but get into blaming over and over. Finally you are both worn out, exhausted, hopeless. Then lawyers are called in to pick clean the corpses. The death has occurred much earlier. Zsa Zsa Gabor: Getting divorced just because you dont love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do. Robert Conklin: Its not the situation. Its your reaction to the situation. Margaret Trudeau: It takes two to destroy a marriage. Gary Chapman: Divorce is the result of a lack of preparation for marriage and the failure to learn the skills of working together as teammates in an intimate relationship. Oliver Stone: Anybody whos been through a divorce will tell you that at one point theyve thought murder. The line between thinking murder and doing murder isnt that major. Jewish Proverb: When two divorced people marry, four people get into bed. Jennifer Weiner: Divorce isnt such a tragedy. A tragedys staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce. Frank Pittman: Bad marriages dont cause infidelity; infidelity causes bad marriages. Ambrose Bierce: Divorce: a resumption of diplomatic relations and rectification of boundaries. Fred Rogers, Mister Rogers Talks With Parents: For a couple with young children, divorce seldom comes as a â€Å"solution†to stress, only as a way to end one form of pain and accept another. Joseph Campbell: When people get married because they think its a long-time love affair, theyll be divorced very soon, because all love affairs end in disappointment. But marriage is a recognition of a spiritual identity. Frank Pittman: Fidelity is the single most important element in solidly enduring marriages. Mary Kay Blakeley, American Mom: Divorce is the psychological equivalent of a triple coronary bypass. Margaret Atwood: A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but theres less of you.
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